Southeast-U.S. Association Video Presentation Available for Viewing
This year’s Southeast-U.S. Association annual in-person conference, which had been scheduled to take place in Tokyo, was canceled due to the pandemic. The member states and Japan co-produced a video presentation in lieu of the event, which is now available for viewing at this link:
The video includes messages from Tennessee Governor Bill Lee and governors of other member states and also features three Japanese companies with a significant presence in the Southeast U.S. Each of these companies has a very strong presence right here in Tennessee.
A message from Virgil Miller, Chairman for the U.S. side, regarding this year’s virtual programming:
On behalf of the member states of the SEUS-Japan Alliance and as Co-Chair for this year’s summit, it is my pleasure to share a video presentation of the 2021 Annual Joint Meeting of the Japan-U.S. Southeast Association and the Southeast U.S./Japan Association. While we are unable to gather in-person this year, the alliance continues in its commitment to enhancing strong economic and diplomatic ties, and deepening connections with our Japanese friends. This video highlights the enduring strength of our bilateral partnership - developed over five decades – and recognizes the importance of Japanese businesses in our region. I would like to extend my gratitude to Chairman Asada, and all of our partners as we continue to work together to support this alliance throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been an honor to serve as Co-Chair of this important association, and I look forward to joining together in Florida next year.
Global Town Hall With Ambassador of Japan to the United States Mr. Koji Tomita
冨田浩司・駐米特命全権大使が、11月2日にナッシュビル市のベルモント大学で開催されるグローバルタウンホールで講演します。 冨田大使は、日米関係、経済発展、戦略的課題などについて論じます。 受付とネットワーキングは午後5時30分(中部時間)より開始。講演は午後6時(中部時間)より開始。 グローバルタウンホールは、ベルモント大学国際ビジネスセンター、ナッシュビル地域商工会議所、ナッシュビルの姉妹都市、およびテネシー日米協会の協力のもと、テネシー世界問題評議会によって開催されます。 詳細と登録はこちらからどうぞ。
Celebrating Japanese Culture in Memphis on November 7th!
日本の人々と文化を祝う「メンフィス日本祭り」が、11月7日(日)午前10時から午後4時(中部時間)まで、メンフィス植物園で開催されます。 伝統的な日本の音楽やダンスのパフォーマンス、日本庭園(静寂園)の見学などが行われます。(雨天決行) 日本の飴細工職人、St.Louis Osuwa太鼓、日本のロックバンドKAZHA、Kent Family Magic Circus、相撲レスリング、芝生の上での格闘技、日本の食べ物、文化講演会、アニメのベンダー、子供向けのアクティビティなど、様々なアトラクションが用意されています。 スポンサーの皆様に感謝いたします。 ダイヤモンド・スポンサー:Brother Industries (U.S.A.) Inc. Shelby County Government, The City of Memphis、グラント・スポンサー:Tennessee Arts Commission、ゴールド・スポンサー:FedEx, Greater Memphis Chamber, メンフィス日本商工懇話会, Memphis Light, Gas and Water, NKC of America, Inc. and The Mitsui U.S.A. Foundation、ブロンズ・スポンサー:ファースト・ホライゾン・バンク、TVA(テネシー・バレー・オーソリティ)。
2021 Women’s Leadership Forum & Networking Luncheon Coming in December
Living Our Best Lives: Leading the Way to A Shared Future
Our annual Women's Leadership Forum & Networking Luncheon brings into focus the critical need to invest in the advancement of women everywhere, but specifically in the U.S. and Japan. We highlight the benefits of societies free from gender bias, advancing social and economic equality, future jobs growth, economic and political stability and inclusive prosperity.
This year, the Women’s Leadership Forum will be an opportunity for JAST members and friends to connect and build relationships again after a period of distance.
Date, speakers and venue coming soon.
Stay tuned!
In this issue, we are featuring an article by Mina Johnson. As the first Japanese-American elected to Nashville’s Metro Council in 2015, Mina served on the Planning, Zoning and Historical Committee; the Public Works Committee; and the Rules, Confirmation and Elections Committee until September 2019.
日本は、さまざまな面白い漫画シリーズがあることで有名です。 現在も発行されている漫画シリーズの中で、最も長く続いているのは次のうちどれでしょうか? A) ワンピース B) ゴルゴ13 C) 名探偵コナン D) グラップラー刃牙外伝
Looking for a new podcast to binge? Check out this month’s JAST Pick, Japan Eats!, a podcast about Japanese cuisine. Join host Akiko Katayama, a Japan native, New York-based food writer and director of the New York Japanese Culinary Academy, and learn about real Japanese food and food culture. With guests ranging from sake producers with generations of experience to American chefs pushing the envelope of Japanese gastronomy, Japanese cuisine is demystified here! You can listen to Japan Eats! here
Join the Japan-America Society of Washington D.C. for Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki cooking class! Okonomiyaki is a type of savory pancake. Both Osaka and Hiroshima are famous for their different styles of okonomiyaki, with Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki being famous for including soba noodles and its unique cooking method!
Come learn about the Japanese art of chadō (The Way of Tea)! For centuries, 茶の湯 (Chanoyu) has been refined by countless "masters" dedicated to this art. The respect for nature, the appreciation of the seasons, the sense of tranquility embedded in the ceremony, and the purity of its aesthetics are all part of what makes chadō unique.
By engaging in the preparation and serving of matcha tea to others, one can enjoy a great variety of experiences. Lindsey Strirek will introduce chadō and dig into the philosophy, history, and aesthetics of this centuries-old artistic practice. She will also introduce you to the multi-faceted art of making a bowl of tea. You will also learn how to be a proper guest at a tea ceremony and how to make a delicious bowl of matcha at home!
Japanese-American artist Na Omi Shintani explores her heritage and the loss of it through altering and honoring kimonos
テネシー日米協会は下記の素晴らしいパートナーの皆様から多大な サポートを受けています
Austin Peay State University
Baker Donelson
Jack and Barbara Bovender
DENSO Manufacturing Tennessee, Inc.
Clay and Cathy Jackson Humanities Tennessee
Komatsu America Corp.
The Mitsui U.S.A. Foundation T-Mobile