

20年以上にわたり日本とテネシーの関係を豊かにしてきたことへの感謝の気持ちと共に、山本真理は数週間前にJASTのJapanese Community Outreach Managerを退任することを発表しました。









伝統的な日本の音楽やダンスのパフォーマンス、日本庭園(静寂園)の見学などが行われます。(雨天決行) 日本の飴細工職人、St.Louis Osuwa太鼓、日本のロックバンドKAZHA、Kent Family Magic Circus、相撲レスリング、芝生の上での格闘技、日本の食べ物、文化講演会、アニメのベンダー、子供向けのアクティビティなど、様々なアトラクションが用意されています。

スポンサーの皆様に感謝いたします。 ダイヤモンド・スポンサー:Brother Industries (U.S.A.) Inc. The City of Memphis、グラント・スポンサー:Tennessee Arts Commission、ゴールド・スポンサー:FedEx, メンフィス日本商工懇話会, Memphis Light, Gas and Water, NKC of America, Inc. and The Mitsui U.S.A. Foundation、ブロンズ・スポンサー:ファースト・ホライゾン・バンク、TVA(テネシー・バレー・オーソリティ)



当祭りの詳しい情報につきましてはwww.memphisjapanfestival.org をご覧ください。

Riding A New Wave: How Japan Is Igniting Nashville’s Vibrant Tech Sector ウェビナー録画をご覧いただけます


ウェビナー録画が 当会のYouTubeページにて公開されています。









A) Nashville

B) Smyrna

C) Murfreesboro

D) Knoxville 


JAST Pick - Sparking Joy


Looking for something that will spark joy in your life? Check out September’s JAST Pick: Sparking Joy, the new Netflix series featuring Marie Kondo. Millions of people have tidied up their homes and changed their lives using Marie Kondo’s organizing methods. The basic concept is holding on to possessions that spark joy and letting go of the rest, but this idea can go much further. In this reality series, Mrs. Kondo shows how her methods can transform every part of your life - work, relationships, and community. It’s a chain reaction that starts with a spark.


今後の NAJAS イベント


Hidden Kyoto – Konchi-in, Zen Garden Virtual Tour

October 7, 2021 6:00 - 7:30 pm EDT

Kyoto boasts an abundance of famous sightseeing spots and thousands of temples that are listed in guidebooks, but there are many places known only to locals. The Japan-America Society of D.C. and Mr. Andrew William, the founder of An Design, will take you to a hidden temple, Konchi-in, and share an intimate video tour of the temple’s Zen garden. To add to this special experience, Ms. Reiko Hirai of DC Sake cō has handpicked a unique selection of sake to go with the garden tour.

Fall Ikebana

October 13, 2021 6:00 - 7:00 pm EDT

Join the Japan-America Society of Cincinnati and instructor Teruko Nesbitt, formally trained in Ikebana, the traditional Japanese art of flower arrangement, for this relaxing virtual workshop and demonstration designed to share practical tips and techniques.

You can enjoy watching the demonstration, or better yet -- bring your own flowers and vase, and follow along with the instructor.


What can be said about Midori that hasn't already been said? One of the leading concert violin soloists for more than 35 years, Midori remains in constant demand by orchestras around the world. Later this year, she will be honored at the 43rd annual Kennedy Center Honors in Washington D.C., in recognition of lifetime artistic achievement. No matter what she's playing, Midori brings new life and vision to each performance. While it's challenging to rank Tchaikovsky's works by their beauty, his Violin Concerto is arguably one of his finest, and in the hands of Midori, is a not-to-be-missed experience.

Coffee Life in Japan

October 28, 2021 6:00 pm EDT


Life in Japan over the past almost two hundred years can be measured in coffee cups and experienced in the spaces that coffee has created – the koohiihausu, the café, the kissaten. A trip through Japan’s coffee history and contemporary places demonstrates the ways in which an artifact - a material object often coming originally from somewhere else – becomes Japanese and then travels the world to be appreciated and emulated. A cup of coffee, Japanese style, has become a world standard. In these times, when travel to Japan has been limited, making yourself a cup of Japanese coffee might just take you back to that kissaten you miss so much.





パートナー・リソース COVID-19

テネシー日米協会は下記の素晴らしいパートナーの皆様から多大な  サポートを受けています


Austin Peay State University

Baker Donelson

Jack and Barbara Bovender

DENSO Manufacturing Tennessee, Inc.

Clay and Cathy Jackson

Humanities Tennessee

Komatsu America Corp.

The Mitsui U.S.A. Foundation 


Office: +1 615-663-6060

