Letter From The Chair

Masami Izumida Tyson


Dear JAST Members and Friends,

As is true on the national level, the strong ties Tennessee enjoys with Japan encompass many areas including economy, business and culture. Among these is the common thread of personal relationships which are formed and cherished along the way. And so it is with JAST: whether it is the Nashville Cherry Blossom Festival which showcases culture, arts and food or the annual Southeast U.S.-Japan Conference which focuses on business ties and opportunities, we value first and foremost the friendships which hold together every event and program we offer. Indeed, JAST exists to build, support, and enhance the Japan-Tennessee relationship which began many decades ago. That is why with every activity and program, we celebrate this strong and special bond, and we are grateful to every Japanese company and person that calls Tennessee “home.” Thank you also to all Tennesseans who welcome them and support JAST’s endeavor.

It is against this backdrop that I am honored to serve as Chair of JAST, with the generous support of Honorary Co-Chairs Governor Bill Lee and Consul General Kayoko Fukushima, to further the work that the previous Chair, Bob Booker of DENSO, and others, have built over the last two decades.

Sincerely yours,

Masami Izumida Tyson

Global Director of FDI and Trade

Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development

Masami Izumida Tyson joined the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development in 2018 as the Global Director of FDI and Trade. Her primary duties include: managing the international offices which identify companies from around the globe interested in doing business in Tennessee; supporting the business development team to recruit international companies to Tennessee and cultivating relationships with such companies; and developing relationships with various international agencies, diplomatic channels and organizations in order to promote economic development in the State of Tennessee. She is also the State’s contact for any issues relating to trade.

Masami was born and raised in Yokohama, Japan and has lived in Nashville, Tennessee for most of her adult life. Prior to holding her current position, Masami held various attorney positions at global companies including Nissan North America as well as at a law firm. She has her B.A. and M.A. from Johns Hopkins University and her J.D. from Vanderbilt Law School. She is married to Dr. Rich Tyson, a native of the U.K., and they have three children, Joel, Julia and Mei.

Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development

The Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development’s mission is to develop strategies that help make Tennessee the No. 1 location in the Southeast for high quality jobs. To grow and strengthen Tennessee, the department seeks to attract new corporate investment to the state and works with Tennessee companies to facilitate expansion and economic growth. You can find them on the webFacebook, and Twitter and Instagram at @tnecd.  

The Memphis Japan Festival Returns on November 7th


We are excited to announce the return of the Memphis Japan Festival at Memphis Botanic Garden on Sunday, November 7th! The Japan-America Society of Tennessee is honored to work with Memphis-area companies and organizations to bring a taste of Japan to Memphis with this fun, family-friendly celebration of Japanese culture and the close bonds between Japan and the Greater Memphis Region. Local performers, martial arts groups, artists and vendors with a connection to Japan and a passion for Japanese culture will have the opportunity to showcase their talents and products once again.

Highlights will include drumming by St. Louis Osuwa Taiko, performances by the Kent Family Magic Circus, tours of the Japanese Garden, presentations and exhibits of Japanese culture, traditional martial arts demonstrations and the experience of modern, youthful Japanese culture with anime, cosplay and children’s activities.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the Memphis Japan Festival on November 7th!


Erik Castor and Linden Eftink





Four Terms


2021年7月20日12:10 チャイムが鳴り、小学生たちが歓声を上げました。授業が終わり、1学期が終了しました。神戸の街中で、100人のJET参加者が一斉に安堵した瞬間でした。この学期は決して楽なものではありませんでした。何千人もの2020年度JET参加者がそれぞれの国で足止めを食らったことで教師が不足し、多くのALT(Assistant Language Teacher-外国語指導助手)が学校を掛け持ちし忙しく授業をこなしていましたが、それも終わりました。学期末の宴会や夏の英語祭りなどの予定はありませんでしたが、テキストを送りあい一緒に励まし合いました。



「ESID」(Every Situation is Different―全ての状況は異なる)は、JETプログラムでよく使われる言葉ですが、トラブル時の仲間意識は、自分の試練が他の人と本当に同じなのか、また、その違いが日本のALTの共通点と同じくらい重要なのかを考えさせてくれます。










JAST Pick - Naomi Osaka


The JAST Pick for July is Naomi Osaka, a limited series on Netflix focusing on tennis player Naomi Osaka. This documentary is an intimate look inside the life of one of the most gifted and complex athletes of her generation. It offers insight into the tough decisions and ecstatic triumphs that shape Naomi Osaka as a superstar and a young woman. The show also explores here biracial roots and her struggles as she fights for her aspirations. Whether you are a long time follower, or your first exposure was her lighting the cauldron at the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony, you will enjoy this real look into this inspiring woman.


今後の NAJAS イベント


A Conversation with Naomi Umeki: Japanese Kokeshi Doll Maker

August 05, 2021 8:00 PM EDT / 6:00 - 7:00 PM CDT


Join Japanese Kokeshi doll maker, Naomi Umeki, live from Japan, in a bilingual conversation about the art and craft of producing traditional wooden Kokeshi dolls. The conversation will be conducted in Japanese and translated into English.

Intro to Chanoyu: The Japanese Tea Ceremony

August 12, 2021 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM CDT


While Chanoyu, the Japanese Tea Ceremony, has been alive and well for over 500 years, it remains a mystery for many both inside and outside of Japan. Join the Japan-America Society of Chicago as Francis-sensei sheds some light on Chanoyu’s origins, philosophies, and culture.

Summer 2021 Family Program: Japan-in-a-Suitcase

August 25, 2021 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM CDT


Umeko Tsuda’s Contributions To Modern Japan

August 25, 2021 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM CDT






パートナー・リソース COVID-19

テネシー日米協会は下記の素晴らしいパートナーの皆様から多大な  サポートを受けています。


Austin Peay State University

Baker Donelson

BB&T now Truist

Jack and Barbara Bovender

DENSO Manufacturing Tennessee, Inc.

Humanities Tennessee

Clay and Cathy Jackson

Komatsu America Corp.

The Mitsui U.S.A. Foundation 


Office: +1 615-663-6060

