

1939 - 2021




パール氏を偲び、JASTではメンフィス・ボタニック・ガーデンの友人達と協力して、日本庭園「静寂園」にて特別植栽プロジェクトを計画しています。日本庭園は散策用の庭園で、様々な日本の植物や地域固有の植物に加えて、日本庭園特有の象徴的な要素を備えています。このパール氏への敬意を表す当会のプロジェクトへの資金援助をご希望の方は、Ginger Byrn(gbyrn@jastn.orgまでご連絡ください。


Remembering Arnold Perl

By Kanzi Takayama

On February 26th, 2020, we welcomed the inaugural visit of Consul General Kayoko Fukushima to Memphis. Arnold took pride and pleasure in welcoming incoming consul generals of Japan, and he always wanted to be the first one to greet them on behalf of the City of Memphis.

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Photo Credit: Joe Rondone/The Commercial Appeal


JAST 新規会員ご紹介


玄武館福龍道場は、日本の玄武館本部道場の支部道場です。 日本の伝統的な武術を教えています。







Consulate-General of Japan in Nashville Showcases Japanese Companies in Tennessee


The Consulate-General of Japan in Nashville presents "Thriving Together | Nissan Smyrna Vehicle Assembly Plant and Japanese US suppliers". Among the featured companies are JAST members Bridgestone Americas, DENSO Manufacturing Tennessee, and Nissan. 

The video focuses on Nissan and the car manufacturing suppliers who come together to produce the top-notch vehicles that have become a driving force of the Tennessee economy. 

Watch Here

JAST Pick - 「クララとお日さま」 カズオ・イシグロ


ノーベル文学賞受賞第一作。カズオ・イシグロ最新作優れた観察力を持つ人工的な友人であるクララが、店の中で、店に来る人や外の道を通る人の行動を注意深く観察するというストーリー。病弱な少女ジョジーと出会い、やがて二人は友情を育んでゆく。この本は、単なるSF要素のある物語ではなく、興味深い語り手の目を通して、愛とは、知性とは、家族とは? 生きることの意味を問う感動作です。

Kinokunya USA https://united-states.kinokuniya.com/bw/9784152100061

Amazon Japan https://amzn.to/345H2j2


今後の NAJAS イベント


How can the U.S., Japan and Korea cooperate on shared challenges to achieve prosperity and shape the economic rules of the road, and what does the Biden administration mean for U.S. trade policy? Join the Japan Society for a discussion about the dynamics of U.S.-Japan-Korea trade relations and regional economic integration, featuring Asia Society Policy Institute Vice President Wendy Cutler, Waseda University Professor Emeritus and Economic Research Institute for East Asia and ASEAN Senior Research Advisor Shujiro Urata, and Korea Development Institute and Johns Hopkins University Professor Wonhyuk Lim.

Virtual Daruma Workshop & Demonstration

June 12, 2021 7:00 PM EDT



Join the Japan-America Society of Cincinnati and seasoned performer Emiko Moore as she shares the traditional art of Kamishibai -- Japanese storytelling with colorful story boards. Emiko is a freelance writer/producer who enjoys storytelling, especially the art of Kamishibai (paper theater). She has shared this art form with children & parents in many schools and libraries, festivals, and cultural programs in the Cincinnati-Dayton area and has over 30 stories in her collections, including an original cherry blossom story by a local Japanese author.






パートナー・リソース COVID-19

JAST is generously supported by these outstanding partners


Austin Peay State University

Baker Donelson

BB&T now Truist

Jack and Barbara Bovender

DENSO Manufacturing Tennessee, Inc.

Humanities Tennessee

Clay and Cathy Jackson

Komatsu America Corp.

The Mitsui U.S.A. Foundation 


Office: +1 615-663-6060

