この愛すべきキャラクターは、日本のどの県のマスコットでしょうか? A) 福岡県 B) 熊本県 C) 北海道 D) 愛媛県
JAST Pick - A Silent Voice
A Silent Voice is about reconnecting, facing past misdeeds, and moving forward. Based on a manga series, A Silent Voice is a 2016 Japanese animated film produced by Kyoto Animation. The film follows Shoya Ishida, a former class bully who decides to reach out to the girl he mistreated in elementary school. He feels unworthy of redemption, but he tries to make things right.
You can watch A Silent Voice on Netflix or purchase it online.
Did you know that Japan celebrates a special holiday on May 5th every year called Children’s Day? In Japan, May 5th is a national holiday devoted to children - Kodomo No Hi, or Children’s Day. Join the Japan-America Society of Houston and the Harris County Public Library as they explore the holiday’s traditions, complete with the creation of koinobori carp streamers.
Join the Japan-America Society of Cincinnati for this event featuring Cincinnati native Denny Kato. Denny was born to Japanese-American parents who arrived in Cincinnati after their release from a WWII incarceration camp. He will discuss the lives of early Japanese settlers in Cincinnati and share his personal story of growing up in Cincinnati during a period when there were very few residents from any Asian country.
Denny will be joined by Japanese-American panelists Gordon Yoshikawa and Betty (Tamura) Breyer.
Join the Japan-America Society of Dallas-Fort Worth for this event exploring why diversity and inclusion are important, and how it can play a major role in achieving business results. This event will be presented in Japanese. ダイバーシティー&インクルージョン(D&I)と言う用語を耳にする機会が多々あるかと思います。皆さんはこの用語の背景・考え方、そして、企業にとってどの様なメリットがあるのかご存知ですか?日本でもここ数年で注目を浴びてますが、アメリカとは環境と文化も違い、なかなか理解をする事が難しい部分があるかもしれません。特にアメリカでは、昨年5月のジョージフロイド事件後、全米各地で抗議行動や暴動が発生する中、多くの大企業が人権尊重の声明発表し、会社としての取り組み方を考え直すなど、ダイバーシティー&インクルージョン理解の重要性が高まっています。なぜダイバーシティー&インクルージョンが大切なのかが理解できると、経営上の成果に繋がる大きな役割を果たすものとわかります。
Join the Japan-America Society of Chicago for this event featuring Ms. Cynthia Usui. Ms. Usui will draw from her personal journey of “mother to management” to inspire others to rebuild their careers. Born and raised in the Philippines to Chinese parents, Ms. Usui moved to Japan to study at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Married to a Japanese diplomat, she spent the next 25 years overseas, focusing on being a mother. Then, at the age of 52, Ms. Usui landed her first job at a Members Club for expats in Tokyo, and she is now a hospitality executive.
JASTのテネシー州生活ガイドのご紹介です。テネシー州に来られる前に居住していた国、日本との、日常生活面においての様々な違いなどを集めた情報を記載しております。日本からいらしたばかりの方、そして長期移住の方々の為のガイドです。日本人のお知り合いやお友達にもご紹介下さい。このガイドサイトが州内の日本人コミュニティーにお役に立てれば幸いです。 https://www.jptnguide.org/
JAST is generously supported by these outstanding partners
Austin Peay State University
Baker Donelson
BB&T now Truist
Jack and Barbara Bovender
DENSO Manufacturing Tennessee, Inc.
Humanities Tennessee
Clay and Cathy Jackson
Komatsu America Corp.
The Mitsui U.S.A. Foundation T-Mobile